Datta Jayanti on Tuesday:

Dattatreya is a Yogi King. Whichever state appears to be unique beyond worldly bonds, that state is attained by the sages on the path of yoga. 

Dattatreya was the forerunner of the guru tradition of showing such a path.

Dattatreya is a Yogi King. Whichever state appears to be unique beyond worldly bonds, that state is attained by the sages on the path of yoga. Dattatreya was the forerunner of the guru tradition of showing such a path. Avadhuta tradition established by Duttaswami. Avadhuta means.. completely devoid of body-mind. Those who do not care about worldly world, bonds and kinship. They don’t stand anywhere. They stay together as long as the cow is milked.

‘Aksharat, varenyat, dhuta samsara bandhanat, tatva masyadi lakshtwat, avadhuta itiryate’ One who is freed from desire, one who is separated from past actions, one who has a body full of dust (not fond of the body), who has philosophical thoughts, says Dattavadhuta Gita. The Avadhuta Upanishad explains this more clearly and says that Avadhuta means Akshara (imperishable), Varenyu (excellent), Dhutabandhana (free from all bonds) who is the target of Vedanta’s visible Tattvamasyadi sentences. Dattavatara is Parabrahma svarupa who incarnated as Trimurti svarupa with all these qualities with the element of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesvara.

All sages in the world are not avadhutas. Sage Vyasa. His son Shukamaharshi Avadhuta. When Shukamaharshi was leaving his father, Vyasa was chasing him with filial love calling him. There the goddess women bathing in a lake ignored Sage Shuka. But when an elderly Vyasamaharshi comes, he is ashamed of his age. That is the specialty of Avadhuta.

Dattatreya Swami is the pious son of the great ascetic Atri Maharshi and Pativrata Shiromani Anasuya Devi. A’tri’ Maharshi is one who is devoid of sattva, rajo and tamo qualities. Na+ Asuya Anasuya Mata is one who is devoid of the quality of envy, in other words, has the spirit of abandoning maya. That’s why Dattatreya emerged as the Avadhuta form of the trigunate and devoid of magic. Atri is a Atreya because he is a son, Datta because he is himself adopted (given to parents). Verasi became Dattatreya. ‘Gurudatta! Dattu, who received blessings from his parents, said, “You are the Jagadguru who has incarnated to lead the world from darkness to the path of light”.

Let’s celebrate Margasira Poornami, the incarnation of Dattatreya, as Datta Jayanthi. Dattatreya is an incarnation of knowledge. Vishnu is the sixth Dattarup of Ekavinsati (21) incarnations. He is an ocean of compassion. Sometimes he subjects the devotees to severe tests. Every lila He shows reveals a truth. Teaches a philosophy. When the goal of the incarnation is complete, Vishnu Murthy is seen shedding that avatar. But, Dattavataram is non-finishing. He is immortal in the form of Guru.

Yadu (the progenitor of the Yadava clan) wanted to know why Datta was constantly in the blissful Parabrahma state without any hesitation. In reply, Duttu says that by observing the world, he got teachers who gave him a lot of knowledge. ‘Nature has taught me many lessons. Earth taught mercy, air indifference, sky omnipresence, water purity and fire brilliance. Dattatreya narrates what he learned through 24 gurus saying that the sun, moon, pair of pigeons, serpent, sea, grasshopper, bee, elephant, firefly, lady, fish, harlot, boy, girl, maiden, spider…everything became his teacher. . Dattu’s life teaches us that observation of nature is necessary for success in life and lessons can be learned from every incident in life.

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Thanks for sharing this, you are awesome !